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Yoga poses for working from home

Many of us have spent a lot of time working from home for a whole year now. And although you are probably very much used to your new routine, we’ve detailed 6 yoga poses to ensure you’re still looking after your body and undoing any poor posture you may have developed. Each of the below poses have specific benefits to help you feel the best you can while working from home.

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Improve your posture


Many of us will find ourselves slouching in our home offices. A big part of good posture is core strength and plank pose is one of the most effective core strength builders. Practice this daily to keep you standing tall.


Undo all the hunching that happens when you sit at a computer or desk all day with Cobra pose or ‘Bhujangasana’. The opening in the chest and stretch in the shoulders boosts energy and strengthens your back as well as improving your posture.


Keep your spine mobile


One of the most common aches and pains experienced as a result of sitting down all day is back pain. An easy way to relieve this and to keep your spine mobile is through twists. Try this simple but effective seated twist at the end of your working day.


Back bends are also great for spine mobility. For a more challenging pose, the Camel, or ‘Urstrasana’ is a deep back bend that eases lower back pain. This generous, heart-opening stretch will also improve your posture and helps to build confidence.

Work on your stability

There are so many benefits that come from improving your stability including developing your concentration and quietening your mind – both key aspects to help you cope with stress when working full time from home.


Balance poses are best for improving your stability and one of our favourites is Tree pose. Simply ground your left foot and lift your right foot, pressing the sole of your foot against your left inner thigh or calf. Keep your hands at your heart center or reach them toward the sky.




For a slightly more challenging balance, try Dancer pose. As well as strengthening your core and back muscles, you’ll improve your posture and build confidence.


If you need more guidance with practicing these yoga poses, join one of our classes at our spa when we re-open.

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